If you are going hiking this weekend make sure you have all the right essentials to do so. Whether you are backpacking and camping for a day or three, having the right items is crucial to having a great adventure. Your backpack will mostly contain everything you need, from food to your tent, so it is important to be smart when packing.
Backpacks and Hiking Boots
Carrying the right backpack is one of the most important items you should consider. When it comes to the right back where you need to place all your essentials and carry for hours at a time, there is no “one backpack fits all”. The right bag will still depend on your body build, size, and longevity of the trip.
You also need to consider wearing the right hiking boots. Make sure that you are wearing durable and comfortable shoes since you want to enjoy your trip and not complain about your feet hurting.
Overnight Backpacking and Camping Gear
Basic items that you need to bring with you if you are going to go on overnight are sleeping mat or a sleeping bag, tent, camping pillow, headlamp plus batteries, solar charger, and trash bags.
Trash bags are essential because we do not want to leave any trace of our backpacking time. This means we should not litre and bring our trash with us when we leave the campsite.
Food and Drink
Your food and drink will depend on your preference. Some backpackers prefer dehydrated meals while others bring energy bars and different types of snacks depending on the length of the trek. And of course, water is essential in most trips so make sure to invest in a filter and pouch or bottle to keep your clean water supply with you.